
Hi, this is my first post detailing how I created this site. I was looking for a simple static site that was easy to handle and required a free hosting plan. After some time I found out that you were able to host websites on github, which was perfect, because I already had some projects on github.

You can create a new repository named "username.github.io" and just push your "index.html" to the root of your repository and you are done. My repository is here. The cool thing is that these github pages can use Jekyll:

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator perfect for personal, project, or organization sites.

It just boils down to creating *.md files (the same Markdown files used for the README.md) for every blog post/site. This post for example can be found here.

I used Hyde for the starting point of this Jekyll site.


git clone https://github.com/username/username.github.io
git clone https://github.com/poole/hyde
mv hyde/* username.github.io
cd username.github.io
git add -A
git commit -m "my website"
git push origin master